Monday, January 7, 2008

Go Bucks?

I realize I may get some hate mail for this, but I may or may not be entirely Buckeye. Oh, it's not that I don't support them. On the contrary, I'm all scarlet and gray on game days. I even have a framed print of the Dispatch front page from the morning after the Fiesta Bowl against Miami displayed in my home. During the time I lived near Miami, a firefighter once offered to take an axe to it too...But I said "No Way"!

But I confess to sometimes planning shopping excursions around games (if you're interested, the stores are empty during the Michigan game), and not considering kickoff times when planning family get togethers. Part of it may be that I just don't "get" football. I don't get the rules, the downs, the flags or the penalties. Although I do get a little excited when the quarterback hauls it from one end of the field to the other, don't expect to see me get out of my seat screaming at the set!

All internal struggles aside, I am totally pulling for them in tonight's game. I'll watch it with some interest because after all, they are a part of this great city that I love and a victory for them is kind of like a victory for us all. And even if I am the only person in the history of the game to nap during third quarter at the horseshoe, I still get choked up at script Ohio.

Guess I'm a Buckeye after all...


  1. LOL no worries, Heather, I didn't even watch the game last night. I watched Dance Wars! I'm from Connecticut, remember :)

  2. Go Bucks, unless they're playing the Orange and Blue.
    Go G8rs.
