Monday, December 1, 2008

Heather's Advent...25 Days till Christmas

There's a tradition held by some. I know I've already reached my quota for using the word "tradition" and all its' variations in my last post, but this is my blog and I can use it again if I want to! :) The tradition of the Advent calendar is one that my family is adopting this year. As we count down the days till Christmas, we open a little door on the calendar and offer each other a small gift or token of some sort. While I'm pretty sure I would go broke giving my kids gifts all 25 days, I can offer little gifts in the form of photos, special offers, amusing anecdotes, etc. all on my little bloggity blog! I realize it's a huge commitment to say I'm going to blog every day for the next 25 days, but I'm always up for a challenge!

My "gift" today is to share a couple photos from a really fun day. The Mom's group at my church recently held a family photo day as a fundraiser. I've never done anything on that kind of scale before, but like I said..I'm always up for a challenge, so I last Sunday I packed up some lights, a backdrop, a prop or two and a couple cameras and shot nearly 30 families! I couldn't have done it all without some help from the very talented Courtney Mason . Courtney, thanks again for helping to make the day a success!

Kids always offer an element of "unpredictability" to group photos, so here are just a few of the photos of the little ones from the day!

1 comment:

  1. I love-love-LOVE this idea, Heather. you've brought a BIG smile to MY Advent with this idea. Thanks! :)
