Monday, December 10, 2007

Winter Wonderland

Well, it's that time of year again! Schools close, snowmen are made, sleds are dusted off and hot cocoa is poured (with marshmallows, of course)! It's been a crazy couple days with a major move taking place and Christmas shopping to be finshed, so I'm sorry to say that my shutter didn't click much over the weekend! There are a couple projects I've been working on which I'm excited to post just as soon as I put the finishing touches on! In the meantime, I'm conducting a little informal poll for the day...What do you do with all the Christmas cards you recive after the season is over?


  1. I should feel badly about this, shouldn't I? Because if there's not a photo to save, it's off to recycling with em!!!

  2. Wow! An actual response! Glad it's working, My big plan is to start a random poll once a week and see if people actually respond or not! Thanks so much!

  3. I used to keep all the christmas cards...for over 11 years. They were in a Christmas box in the shed...and then hurricane Katrina hit. Needless to say all my decorations including the Christmas cards were ruined. So, I have the memories, it was always so much fun to look over the cards every Christmas and remember who sent cards! : )
