Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Shot Seen 'Round the World

So by now the entire world has seen and heard about the photos of young Miley Cyrus (aka Hannah Montana) and people are outraged. The words "ignorant" and "dirty" have been used to describe the shot. Have we blown this just a little bit out of proportion?
All of a sudden Mom's don't want their little girls to look at her as a role model anymore. What's wrong with us as a society? Since when did we, as mothers start looking to celebrities to be role models for our children? Why aren't we looking for more? As a teenager I would have denied it, but my role model was my mother. We need to look to real people to be role models for our children, not celebrities that are on a pedestal because society puts them there only to wait for them to slip up to we can knock them down. They're human, remember? One only needs to look to Britney Spears to see the most recent example of such a cycle.

The photos are artistic and tasteful, and conjure up images of The Rokeby Venus and Odalisque...not something perverse. And as for the photos of her with her father, they're tasteful as well. Girls need their fathers. And Miley and Mr. Achy Breaky himself are a shining example of what a girl can accomplish when she has the support of a loving father.

Personally, I find it rather sad that she has felt the need to apologize for these photos, but then again it seems like that is just the kind of person she is. She's felt that she let her fans down, and wants to make amends. As for her age, I see teenage girls showing more skin than that at our local swimming pool. Our children see far worse than that on television these days whether it's a show that's on during what used to be known as "family hour", racy commercials or just promos for upcoming episodes of shows we wouldn't let them watch anyway!

Let's cut the girl a break. Let's also remember that she's human, and let's also remember that someone once said "Art isn't art unless it makes someone uncomfortable".

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