Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Amanda and Michael

Amanda and Michael were married this past spring (before I started blogging), and after visiting with Michael's mom this weekend I felt compelled to go back through their images and post a few of my faves!

It's worth noting that Michael's mother is a friend of mine and a former co-worker...so I felt like I had known Michael forever by the time his wedding day came around!

They were married May 5th, at West Jefferson United Methodist Church and a reception was held at the London Senior Center. They were truly a great couple to work with and so much fun to shoot! The weather cooperated beautifully so we were able to get some great outdoor shots too!

The flowers...
The Church...
The Couple...

My friend and assistant for the day, Teresa shot this one while I was getting some pics of the guys...I love this one!

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