Sunday, October 21, 2007

A Little Under the Weather...

So this morning I'm still battling a chest cold/laryngitis. I was actually glad when I woke up this morning with a cough...that means whatever this is is running it's course and should be over soon! The downside of it is that I wasn't able to visit my friends Bob and Sarah, who just welcomed their second child into the world...a daughter named Meredith. Meredith will be joining big sister, Elizabeth! We are so happy for their family! I was honored to have been asked by the two of them to take some photos of the new little arrival, but I wouldn't dream of bringing this cold/cough etc. to one so tiny.

In any event, I've been amazed at how Meredith's mommy has been able to keep her blog updated on such a regular basis in spite of midnight feedings, diaper changes, etc. One of her newest entries is a challenge which I found particularly interesting, it's a challenge for mothers and fathers to come up with their own list of 40 reasons to have children. She's put together a list of her own full of beautiful sentiments and little things about babies and children that really make you think about the little blessings that they are. But little did she know that I was already coming up with my own list to parody hers! So here we go!

Heather's list of Reasons to have Children

1) Princess Pink nailpolish looks just as great on the carpet as it does on your nails!

2) Books with pictures trump books without!

3) I've always wanted to hear myself say things like, "You'll break your neck if you don't stop that"!

4) I love sounding like a broken record.

5) I really love explaining to my children just what a record is (it's not a giant CD)!

6) When you're sick and tell the children you have no voice and can't yell, one steps in and offers (so sweetly) to yell at the other one for you.

7) They help you decorate! When Mommy paints the powder room blue, Emma can paint the kitchen with black water colors!

8) You have to be reminded that children are no longer in the room and you can switch the channel from "Nick Jr". (Thanks to Candi for that one!)

9) You realize the wonder of the 3 year old's compartmentalized stomach (Broccoli section full, Candy section's good to go).

10) It's fun to pull dry play-doh out of the carpet!

11) Privacy in the bathroom is highly overrated!

12) But seriously...They make us better versions of ourselves, they teach us as much as we teach them, they give us more reasons to love than we ever thought possible.

13) They give us an excuse to take photos like this...

And because I can't leave the list at 13...

14) They make us believe in something bigger than ourselves.

Right now, I believe in a nap... I believe that this cold will be over soon! Ahhh...the power of positive thinking!


  1. Too funny, Heather! I especially love the privacy in the bathroom! :)

    Glad to hear you're on the road to recovery. We can't wait to have you come over and work your photo magic with our princess. (And the kids can wear each other out again too - that was a pretty good deal last time!)

  2. LOL! I love the "privacy in the bathroom", too! But since I'm not a Mom, I relate from a different perspective.

    I was always a daddy's girl, and I still remember toddling around. Well, one day I was looking for daddy, and Mom told me he was in the bathroom. Great!

    So I began to run for the bathroom. Mom told me not to go, to leave daddy in "privacy".

    Well, I was too quick and although she tried to catch me, she missed. I ran up the steps, through the laundry room, and to the bathroom. I could reach the doorknob and turned it...and the door opened.

    There was daddy, standing at the toilet, "going potty".

    Daddy was embarassed. Mom was yelling for me as she was catching up, apologizing to dad.

    I just stood there, looking up at him. Dad was saying to me, "I'm going to the bathroom!"

    Mom grabbed me, but I couldn't take my eyes away. My comment?

    "Gee! How handy!"

    My Dad died back in 1995, and this was one of his favorite stories.

  3. I accept this challenge, in fact, my girls will help me write the list, in case I fall short!
